
標(biāo)簽: 斷路器
2014-09-11  閱讀









地 區(qū):北京市

關(guān)鍵詞:斷路器 鐵路 路


招標(biāo)邀請書 中華人民共和國 吉圖琿鐵路項(xiàng)目



1. 本招標(biāo)邀請書跟隨于2011年6月16日(2014年9月2日修改)在世行商業(yè)機(jī)會(huì)(UN Development Business)上發(fā)布的本項(xiàng)目的總采購公告(GPN)。

2. 中華人民共和國政府已收到國際復(fù)興開發(fā)銀行的貸款,用于支付吉圖琿鐵路項(xiàng)目的費(fèi)用,并計(jì)劃將一部分貸款用于變電設(shè)備和接觸網(wǎng)檢修作業(yè)車合同項(xiàng)下的合格支付。本項(xiàng)目買方為中國鐵路總公司和長吉城際鐵路有限責(zé)任公司。

 3. 中技國際招標(biāo)公司受中國鐵路總公司委托,邀請合格的和有資格的投標(biāo)人就下列貨物和有關(guān)服務(wù)提交密封的投標(biāo): 包號(hào) 品名 數(shù)量 交貨時(shí)間 TRE07 真空斷路器/電流互感器 131臺(tái)/259臺(tái) 簽訂合同后1~4個(gè)月 。

4. 本次招標(biāo)采用《國際復(fù)興開發(fā)銀行貸款和國際開發(fā)協(xié)會(huì)信貸采購指南》規(guī)定的國際競爭性招標(biāo)程序,并向采購指南規(guī)定的全部合格國家的全部投標(biāo)人開放。

5. 有興趣的合格投標(biāo)人可在中技國際招標(biāo)公司下述辦公室進(jìn)一步了解有關(guān)信息和查閱招標(biāo)文件,每天 上午9:00-11:00.,下午14:00-16:00 (周六日節(jié)假日除外)。

6. 資格要求包括:招標(biāo)文件規(guī)定的供貨經(jīng)驗(yàn)、技術(shù)、財(cái)務(wù)、法律和其他方面的要求。對國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)的某些貨物有優(yōu)惠。


(a) 財(cái)務(wù)能力 投標(biāo)人應(yīng)提交有關(guān)文件,證明其滿足了下列財(cái)務(wù)要求: (i) 投標(biāo)人應(yīng)提交截標(biāo)日期前三年(2011、2012和2013年)經(jīng)過審計(jì)的財(cái)務(wù)報(bào)表,包括資產(chǎn)負(fù)債表,營業(yè)損益表和現(xiàn)金流量表。 (ii) 投標(biāo)人在本投標(biāo)截止日期之前的三年內(nèi)經(jīng)審計(jì)的財(cái)務(wù)報(bào)表不能連續(xù)兩年虧損;2013年不能虧損。 (iii) 投標(biāo)人應(yīng)有中標(biāo)包金額50%的現(xiàn)金、可變現(xiàn)資產(chǎn)、授信額度和其它保證合同執(zhí)行所需要的資金來源。 (iv) 投標(biāo)人通過銀行在截標(biāo)日期前3個(gè)月內(nèi)出具的銀行資信證明,標(biāo)明信用等級和授信額度等,來自國內(nèi)的投標(biāo)人應(yīng)至少出具銀行支行或以上銀行出具的銀行資信證明。 制造商應(yīng)提交有關(guān)文件,證明其滿足了下列財(cái)務(wù)要求: (i) 制造商應(yīng)提交截標(biāo)日期前三年(2011、2012和2013年)經(jīng)過審計(jì)的財(cái)務(wù)報(bào)表,包括資產(chǎn)負(fù)債表,營業(yè)損益表和現(xiàn)金流量表。 (ii) 制造商2013年經(jīng)審計(jì)的財(cái)務(wù)報(bào)表不能虧損。 (iii) 制造商通過銀行在截標(biāo)日期前3個(gè)月內(nèi)出具的銀行資信證明,標(biāo)明信用等級和授信額度等,來自國內(nèi)的制造商應(yīng)至少出具銀行支行或以上銀行出具的銀行資信證明。

 (b) 經(jīng)驗(yàn)和技術(shù)能力 投標(biāo)人應(yīng)該提交有關(guān)文件,證明其滿足了下列經(jīng)驗(yàn)要求 (i) 投標(biāo)人應(yīng)具有截標(biāo)日期前5年內(nèi)成功執(zhí)行過累計(jì)供貨至少60臺(tái)/套真空斷路器的供貨合同。 (ii) 國內(nèi)投標(biāo)產(chǎn)品應(yīng)提供國家級檢測機(jī)構(gòu)出具的檢測報(bào)告;國外投標(biāo)產(chǎn)品應(yīng)提供同等級別檢測機(jī)構(gòu)出具的檢測報(bào)告。 (iii) 所投產(chǎn)品(55/27.5KV真空斷路器)在截標(biāo)日期前5年內(nèi)應(yīng)具有在z*低時(shí)速250km/h鐵路正線累計(jì)供貨至少60臺(tái)/套并成功運(yùn)營至少六個(gè)月的業(yè)績。投標(biāo)人須提供投標(biāo)產(chǎn)品制造商的銷售合同復(fù)印件和對應(yīng)的業(yè)績證明作為證明材料。國內(nèi)業(yè)績證明應(yīng)由鐵路局或鐵路公司主管處出具并蓋章,也可由鐵路項(xiàng)目建設(shè)單位(客專公司)出具并蓋章。如為國外投標(biāo)產(chǎn)品,投標(biāo)人須提供投標(biāo)產(chǎn)品制造商由國外同等級別的用戶出具的業(yè)績證明和對應(yīng)的銷售合同復(fù)印件。 (iv)所投產(chǎn)品(27.5KV電流互感器)在截標(biāo)日期前5年內(nèi)應(yīng)具有在z*低時(shí)速250km/h鐵路正線累計(jì)供貨至少120臺(tái)/套并成功運(yùn)營至少一年的業(yè)績。投標(biāo)人須提供投標(biāo)產(chǎn)品制造商的銷售合同復(fù)印件和對應(yīng)的業(yè)績證明作為證明材料。國內(nèi)業(yè)績證明應(yīng)由鐵路局或鐵路公司主管處出具并蓋章,不接受客專公司出具的業(yè)績證明。如項(xiàng)目已開通運(yùn)營但尚未移交給鐵路局(公司)管理,則業(yè)績證明可由該項(xiàng)目建設(shè)單位出具并蓋章。國內(nèi)業(yè)績證明應(yīng)標(biāo)明設(shè)備名稱、型號(hào)、生產(chǎn)廠家、地點(diǎn)(線別、區(qū)段等)、投運(yùn)時(shí)間、運(yùn)行效果等基本情況。如為國外投標(biāo)產(chǎn)品,投標(biāo)人須提供投標(biāo)產(chǎn)品制造商由國外同等級別的用戶出具的業(yè)績證明和對應(yīng)的銷售合同復(fù)印件。 (v) 如果評標(biāo)時(shí)有適宜的材料證明投標(biāo)人的產(chǎn)品在投標(biāo)截止前3年內(nèi)被原鐵道部有關(guān)部門、中國鐵路總公司、國家鐵路局通報(bào)質(zhì)量問題或者在原鐵道部有關(guān)部門、中國鐵路總公司、國家鐵路局組織的質(zhì)量年檢或抽檢中不合格者或在鐵路部門運(yùn)行中有劣跡者,其投標(biāo)將被拒絕,除非投標(biāo)人已經(jīng)采取改進(jìn)措施并且整改結(jié)果已經(jīng)被原鐵道部、中國鐵路總公司、國家鐵路局認(rèn)可。須提供情況說明并附相關(guān)通報(bào)材料及改進(jìn)合格的證明材料。 (vi) 如果評標(biāo)時(shí)有適宜的材料證明所投產(chǎn)品制造商的產(chǎn)品在投標(biāo)截止前3年內(nèi)被原鐵道部有關(guān)部門、中國鐵路總公司、國家鐵路局通報(bào)質(zhì)量問題或者在原鐵道部有關(guān)部門、中國鐵路總公司、國家鐵路局組織的質(zhì)量年檢或抽檢中不合格者或在鐵路部門運(yùn)行中有劣跡者,其投標(biāo)將被拒絕,除非所投產(chǎn)品制造商已經(jīng)采取改進(jìn)措施并且整改結(jié)果已經(jīng)被原鐵道部、中國鐵路總公司、國家鐵路局認(rèn)可。須提供情況說明并附相關(guān)通報(bào)材料及改進(jìn)合格的證明材料。

(c) 投標(biāo)設(shè)備在買方國家的備件和售后服務(wù)。 如果投標(biāo)人被確定為中標(biāo)人,作為簽訂合同的條件之一,投標(biāo)人必須在對中華人民共和國境內(nèi)設(shè)立售后服務(wù)機(jī)構(gòu),以便提供維護(hù),修理,零部件備品等在合同條款或者技術(shù)規(guī)格中提到的義務(wù)。制造商應(yīng)提供即時(shí)響應(yīng)電話,并確保技術(shù)人員在收到故障或損壞報(bào)告后12小時(shí)內(nèi)到達(dá)現(xiàn)場,質(zhì)保期內(nèi)須保證在24小時(shí)內(nèi)免費(fèi)更換有質(zhì)量問題的零部件,解決問題。

詳細(xì)資格要求請參見網(wǎng)址:www.devbusiness.com 和 www.worldbank.org.

7. 招標(biāo)文件將從2014年 9月10日起每天(星期六、星期日、節(jié)假日除外)上午9:00-11:00,下午2:00-4:00(北京時(shí)間)在下述地址發(fā)售,有興趣的合格投標(biāo)人可遞交書面申請書,于上述時(shí)間購買招標(biāo)文件。中文或英文招標(biāo)文件每套售價(jià)1000元人民幣或150美元,售后不退。支付方式為現(xiàn)金或電匯。若需郵遞招標(biāo)文件,需另付200元人民幣(中國大陸)或50美元(中國大陸之外),招標(biāo)文件將采用特快專遞方式發(fā)送,采購代理不對寄送文件的延遲和丟失負(fù)責(zé)。

8. 所有投標(biāo)書應(yīng)于2014年10月23日 9:00 (北京時(shí)間)之前遞交到下述地址。不允許采用電子方式投標(biāo)。遲交的投標(biāo)書將被拒絕。開標(biāo)將于2014年10月23日 9:00 (北京時(shí)間)在下述地址進(jìn)行,投標(biāo)人代表自愿出席。全部投標(biāo)書都必須附有投標(biāo)保證金。投標(biāo)保證金金額為不少于投標(biāo)價(jià)的2%。

9. 獲得招標(biāo)文件,遞交投標(biāo)文件和開標(biāo)的信息為:




電話:010-6334 8281

傳真:010-6337 3591

電子郵件:changzhifeng@itc.genertec.com.cn, zhaqing@gtc.genertec.com.cn





賬號(hào):(人民幣):778350010653 (美元):778350040281




Invitation for Bids (IFB) People’s Republic of China JiTuHun Railway Project Loan No.: 8052-CN

IFB No.: 0701-141070120039

1. This Invitation for Bids follows the General Procurement Notice for this Project that appeared in Development Business, issued 16 June, 2011(revised September

2, 2014). 2. The government of P.R. China has received a loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development toward the cost of JiTuHun Railway Project and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this loan to payments under the Contract for Procurement (ICB) of Lot TRE07 Vacuum Circuit Breaker. The Purchasers of the Project are China Railway Corporation and ChangJi Intercity Railway Co., Ltd.

 3. The China International Tendering Company, entrusted by China Railway Corporation, now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for: Lot No. Description Quantity Delivery Schedule TRE07 Vacuum Circuit Breaker/ Current Transformer 131 sets/ 259 sets Within 1 month to

4 months after signing the Contract 4. Bidding will be conducted through the International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedures specified in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits, and is open to all bidders from Eligible Source Countries as defined in the Guidelines.

5. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from China International Tendering Company and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below from 9:00-11:00A.M.,14:00-16:00 P.M. (Beijing time) (except Saturday, Sunday, Holiday)

 6. Qualifications requirements included: the technical, financial, legal and other requirements in the provision of the bidding document. A margin of preference for certain goods manufactured domestically shall be applied.

Major qualifications requirement includes:

 (a) Financial Capability The Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence showing that it meets the following financial requirement(s): (i) The bidder shall submit Audited Financial Statements including the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement for the last three years (2011, 2012 and 2013) before the deadline of bid submission. (ii) The bidder’s profit showed in Audited Financial Statement during any two consecutive years in the past three years shall be positive, and its profit during 2013 shall not be negative. (iii) The bidder shall demonstrate that it has financial resources amounted to 50% of its bid price in cash, realizable assets, line of credit or other forms to guarantee the performance of the Contract. (iv) The bidder shall provide bank reference issued within three months before the deadline of the bid submission by a reputable bank indicating the credit status, line of credit etc. For domestic bidder, such bank reference shall be issued by banks' sub-branches level or above. The manufacturer shall furnish documentary evidence showing that it meets the following financial requirement(s): (i) The manufacturer shall submit Audited Financial Statements including the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement for the last three years (2011, 2012 and 2013) before the deadline of bid submission. (ii) The manufacturer’s profit showed in Audited Financial Statement during 2013 shall not be negative. (iii) The manufacturer shall provide bank reference issued within three months before the deadline of the bid submission by a reputable bank indicating the credit status, line of credit etc. For domestic manufacturer, such bank reference shall be issued by banks' sub-branches level or above.

 (b) Experience and Technical Capacity The Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence to demonstrate that it meets the following experience requirement(s): (i) Within five (5) years prior to the deadline of bid submission, the bidder shall have successfully performed contracts in which at least 60 sets of Vacuum Circuit breaker have been supplied. (ii) For the proposed goods manufactured in China, testing reports of the proposed goods issued by state-level authoritative inspection and testing agency shall be provided; For the proposed goods manufactured outside China, testing reports issued by equivalent inspection and testing agencies shall be provided. (iii) Within five (5) years prior to the deadline of bid submission, at least 60 sets of the proposed goods (55/27.5KV Vacuum Circuit breaker) shall have been supplied for main railway lines with minimum speed of 250km/h and the goods shall have been in satisfactory service for at least six (6) months. The bidder shall provide the copies of sales contracts and corresponding Experience Certificates of the proposed goods issued to the manufacturer as documentary evidence. The domestic operating experience certificate shall be issued and sealed by the managing division of railway administration or railway company, and the experience certificate also can be issued and sealed by project construction company (passenger dedicated railway company). For the goods manufactured outside China, the bidder shall provide the copies of Operating Experience Certificate and corresponding Sales Contracts of the proposed goods issued to the manufacturer by the equivalent user. (iv) Within five (5) years prior to the deadline of bid submission, at least 120 sets of the proposed goods (27.5KV Current transformer) shall have been supplied for main railway lines with minimum speed of 250km/h and the goods shall have been in satisfactory service for at least one (1) year. The bidder shall provide the copies of sales contracts and corresponding Operating Experience Certificates of the proposed goods issued to the manufacturer as documentary evidence. The domestic operating experience certificate shall be issued and sealed by the managing division of railway administration or railway company. Certificate issued by the passenger dedicated railway company shall not be accepted. If the project has been put into operation, but it has not been transferred to the railway administration or railway company for management, the operating experience certificate shall be issued and sealed by project construction unit. The domestic operating experience certificate should indicate the name of commodity, specification, manufacturer, location (railway line, section, etc.), put into operation time, operating results and other basic information. For the goods manufactured outside China, the bidder shall provide the copies of Operating Experience Certificate and corresponding Sales Contracts of the proposed goods issued to the manufacturer by the equivalent user. (v) Provided that there is appropriate evidence at the time of bid evaluation showing that the bidder is officially reported by former MOR (Ministry of Railways), CRC(China Railway Corporation) and State Railway Administration of the People`s Republic of China over quality problems or has a failed record in the annual quality check or sampling check organized by former MOR (Ministry of Railways), CRC(China Railway Corporation) and State Railway Administration of the People`s Republic of China, or has a bad record in the operation of any railway sector within 3 years before bid submission deadline, the bid may be rejected unless the relevant remedial actions have been taken by the bidder and the results have been assessed and accepted by former MOR (Ministry of Railways), CRC(China Railway Corporation) and State Railway Administration of the People`s Republic of China. The statement explaining the situation attached with the official declaration documents and the evidence documentation showing that the results of the remedial actions have been assessed and accepted by former MOR (Ministry of Railways) , CRC(China Railway Corporation) and State Railway Administration of the People`s Republic of China shall be provided in such case. (vi) Provided that there is appropriate evidence at the time of bid evaluation showing that the manufacturer is officially reported by former MOR (Ministry of Railways) , CRC(China Railway Corporation) and State Railway Administration of the People`s Republic of China over quality problems or has a failed record in the annual quality check or sampling check organized by former MOR (Ministry of Railways) , CRC(China Railway Corporation) and State Railway Administration of the People`s Republic of China, or has a bad record in the operation of any railway sector within 3 years before bid submission deadline, the bid may be rejected unless the relevant remedial actions have been taken by the manufacturer and the results have been assessed and accepted by former MOR (Ministry of Railways) , CRC(China Railway Corporation) and State Railway Administration of the People`s Republic of China. The statement explaining the situation attached with the official declaration documents and the evidence documentation showing that the results of the remedial actions have been assessed and accepted by former MOR (Ministry of Railways), CRC(China Railway Corporation) and State Railway Administration of the People`s Republic of China shall be provided in such case.

(c) Availability in the Purchaser’s Country of spare parts and after sales services for equipment offered in the bid. If a bidder is determined to be the successful bidder, the bidder shall be required, as a condition to contract signing, to have a service agent in China in order to carry out the Supplier's maintenance, repairing, and spare parts-stocking obligations prescribed in the Conditions of Contract and / or Technical Specifications. The bidder shall provide emergency telephone service and ensure that its technicians can arrive at the site within 12 hours, replace defect parts free of charge and solve the quality problems within 24 hours after receiving report of any fault or damage of the goods. Details please refer to www.devbusiness.com and www.worldbank.org.

7. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English or Chinese may be purchased between 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. (Beijing Time) from September 10, 2014 (excluding Saturday, Sunday and other public holidays) by interested bidders on the submission of a written Application to the address below and upon payment of a non refundable fee RMB1000 or in USD150 for each lot. The method of payment will be in cash or T/T. RMB200 or USD50 shall be added for the postage for express mail for purchasing by mail. No liability will be accepted for loss or late delivery.

8. Bids must be delivered to the address below at or before 9:00 a.m. (Beijing Time) on October 23, 2014. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to attend in person at the address below at 9:00 a.m. (Beijing Time) on October 23, 2014. All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security of at least 2% of bid price.

9. The information for obtaining, submitting and opening of the Bid that referred to above is: For purchasing documents, the address is: The Procurement Agent: China International Tendering Company Address: 1st floor, Genertec Plaza, No.90, Xisanhuan Zhonglu, Fengtai District, Beijing 100055, P.R. China

 Telephone: 86-10-6334 8281

Facsimile number: 86-10-6337 3591 E-mail address: changzhifeng@itc.genertec.com.cn Bank and account: Name: China International Tendering Company Bank name: Bank of China, Headquarter Account NO.:(RMB):778350010653 (USD):778350040281

 For bid submission and bid opening, the address is The Procurement Agent: China International Tendering Company Address: Room 415, Genertec Plaza, No.90, Xisanhuan Zhonglu, Fengtai District, Beijing 100055, P.R China